What is the final product of mitosis?

01/09/2021 Off By admin

What is the final product of mitosis?

two identical daughter cells
The result of mitosis is two identical daughter cells, genetically identical to the original cell, all having 2N chromosomes.

What will the end result of mitosis create?

The end result of mitosis in humans is two identical diploid daughter cells identical to their parent cell.

Does temperature affect mitosis?

The relative change in the duration of mitosis and of interphase are shown to differ with change in temperature. The rate of cell progress, or mitotic rate, throughout the mitotic cycle increases linearly with increase in temperature between the range 3 °C to 25 °C.

What is the end result of mitosis quizlet?

The end result of mitosis and cytokinesis is two genetically identical cells where only one cell existed before.

What is the final result of meiosis?

By the end of meiosis, the resulting reproductive cells, or gametes, each have 23 genetically unique chromosomes. The overall process of meiosis produces four daughter cells from one single parent cell. Each daughter cell is haploid, because it has half the number of chromosomes as the original parent cell.

What is the most important result of mitosis?

Explanation: Mitosis and meiosis result daughter cells for growth, development and reproduction in the living world. Mitosis results similar daughter cells generally for growth and development.

What factors affect mitosis?


  • Growth & Repair. After an injury many cells are replaced in order to repair the damage.
  • Nutrient availability. Nutrients are needed as a source of energy and as building blocks.
  • Cell Type & Location. Body tissues that are replaced frequently have a higher rate of mitosis.
  • Enzyme Activity.

Does temperature affect cell division?

They showed that temperature controls the rate and speed at which a cell divides. They further show that of all phases of the cell cycle, mitosis was very sensitive to temperature, and that cell cuture subjected to temperature between 24-31°C exhibited an accumulation of cells in mitosis.

What are the final products of meiosis in females?

In females, the process of meiosis is called oogenesis, since it produces oocytes and ultimately yields mature ova(eggs). The male counterpart is spermatogenesis, the production of sperm.

What is produced as a result of mitosis?

Mitosis results in two identical daughter cells, whereas meiosis results in four sex cells. Below we highlight the keys differences and similarities between the two types of cell division.

What is the result of mitosis quizlet?

Mitosis results in the production of two genetically identical diploid cells. 2 identical daughter cells identical to the parent cell.