What is the routine positions for the thoracic spine?
What is the routine positions for the thoracic spine?
Thoracic Spine AP The arms are placed by the side of the body and the shoulders are flat on the table. The head should rest directly on the table or on a thin support to avoid exaggerating the thoracic kyphosis. Position of part The gonads are shielded. The patient is asked to stop breathing when the exposure is taken.
What is the proper way of positioning a patient for radiography?
Position of patient Standing erect – left or right (usually left lateral is shown). The patient should be leaning slightly forward with the shoulder resting firmly against the grid. The hands should be locked behind the back to rotate the shoulders posteriorly or arms should be raised in front or above the head.
Where should position markers be placed for lateral thoracic radiographs?
The ventrodorsal (VD) or dorsoventral (DV) and right and left lateral thoracic radiographs should be centered on the heart and include the entire lung field and surround- ing ribs.
What is caudal collimation landmark for thoracic radiography?
To set collimation for the ventrodorsal view, the landmarks are the same as the lateral projection: Vertical Line of the Collimator Light: Place the vertical line at the caudal border of the scapula. This allows the cardiac silhouette to be in the center of the image.
What is LPO position?
LPO (Left Posterior Oblique) Body rotated with the left posterior portion closest to the film. RPO (Right Posterior Oblique) Body is rotated with the right posterior portion closest to the film.
What is the most common mistake when taking a thoracic radiograph?
The most common error associated with poor quality thoracic radiographs is motion of the animal during exposure. This may be due to motion of the animal resisting restraint or from respiration or heart beat (this blurring can cause misinterpretation).
Where should the primary beam be centered for a lateral view of the canine thoracic spine?
The area cranial to the thoracic inlet (the manubrium) to half way between the xiphoid process and the last rib to include the caudal tips of the lungs. The crosshairs of the beam should be centered over the heart just behind the scapula and 1/3 of the way up from the sternum.
What are the most common views taken for thoracic and abdominal radiographs?
If you are only performing two views, the left lateral and VD images should be taken. The right lateral view is commonly taken over the left lateral, but I believe the left lateral is generally more important than the right lateral view for both thoracic and abdominal radiographs.
What is thoracic vertebra?
Thoracic vertebrae are the twelve vertebral segments (T1-T12) that make up the thoracic spine. These structures have very little motion because they are firmly attached to the ribs and sternum (breastbone).