What is the strongest magnetic field possible?
What is the strongest magnetic field possible?
That is far and away the most powerful magnetic field ever detected in the universe – for reference, the strongest magnetic field created in the lab so far is a “mere” 1,200 Tesla.
What is a powerful magnetic field?
When a magnetic field gets stronger than about 500,000 Gauss, objects get ripped to pieces by the intense forces. While such extremely strong magnetic fields are not possible on earth, they do exist in highly-magnetized stars called magnetars. A magnetar is a type of neutron star left over from a supernova.
Is magnetic or electric force stronger?
The one created by electric field is independent form particle velocity, while the Lorentz force is proportional to particle velocity. Thus at v=0 the electric part of force acting on particle is infinitely stronger than magnetic part.
What is the weakest magnet in the world?
The weakest magnetic field measured is 0.5 femtotesla/√Hz, and was achieved by Dr. Sheraz Khan (Pakistan) and Dr. David Cohen (USA), at the Martinos Center, Massachusetts General Hospital, Charlestown, Massachusetts, USA, and was published in the Review of Scientific Instruments on 1 May 2013.
What magnetic fields do to your brain and body?
“Moving quickly induces a time-varying field, so by doing that you are inducing currents in different structures of your brain,” says Legros. Those currents may lead to nausea, loss of balance, a metallic taste in your mouth, or in some cases, magnetophosphenes.
Can you have a magnetic field without an electric field?
No you can have a magnetic field without an electric field. Consider a rod with an equal number of positive and negative charges (such that they are equally spaced). Let the positive move to the left with speed v and the negative to the right with speed v. This will result in a magnetic field but no electric field.
What is the difference between electric and magnetic fields?
Nature. An electric field is essentially a force field that’s created around an electrically charged particle. A magnetic field is one that’s created around a permanent magnetic substance or a moving electrically charged object.
How can you tell where the magnetic field is strongest?
The magnetic field of a bar magnet is strongest at either pole of the magnet. It is equally strong at the north pole when compared with the south pole. The force is weaker in the middle of the magnet and halfway between the pole and the center.