What is the use of force view in Oracle?

08/20/2019 Off By admin

What is the use of force view in Oracle?

Answer: The “create or replace force view” is the same as “create or replace” for stored procedures. The “force” clause tells Oracle to replace the view of it already exists. You need to issue the “show errors” command, when you are using create or replace force view.

What are the advantages of views in Oracle?

Views can provide advantages over tables:

  • Views can represent a subset of the data contained in a table.
  • Views can join and simplify multiple tables into a single virtual table.
  • Views can act as aggregated tables, where the database engine aggregates data (sum, average, etc.)
  • Views can hide the complexity of data.

Does Oracle view improve performance?

Views play a useful and important role in applications and can be used to boost Oracle performance. Whether a query uses views or not, it will need to be tested and carefully examined. Testing and examination will help you ensure performance won’t be drastically impacted when the application goes live.

What is force keyword used during creation of views?

FORCE keyword is used while creating a view, forcefully. This keyword is used to create a View even if the table does not exist.

Which is the advantage of view?

Simplicity for queries: A view can draw data from several tables and present a single table, simplifying the information and turning multi-table queries into single-table queries for a view.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of view?

Advantages and Disadvantages of views in Sql Server

  • Security.
  • Query Simplicity.
  • Structural simplicity.
  • Data Integrity.
  • Logical data independence.
  • Performance.

Which will create read-only views?

A read-only view can be made updatable by means of triggers. A view will be read-only if its SELECT statement has any of the following characteristics: Specifies a row quantifier other than ALL (i.e., DISTINCT, FIRST, SKIP) Contains fields defined by subqueries or other expressions.