What is Van Gieson stain used for?

02/10/2021 Off By admin

What is Van Gieson stain used for?

Van Gieson Stain is used to differentiate between collagen and smooth muscle in tumors and to demonstrate the increase of collagen in diseases. This method combines two or more anionic dyes and rely on differential binding by tissue components.

What tissue components does Van Gieson’s stain?

Van Gieson’s stain is a mixture of picric acid and acid fuchsin. It is the simplest method of differential staining of collagen and other connective tissue. It was introduced to histology by American neuropsychiatrist and pathologist Ira Van Gieson.

What color is Van Gieson collagen?

In VVG-stained slides, elastic fibers and cell nuclei are black, collagen is red/orange, and other tissue elements are yellow (Fig. 3A).

How do you prepare van Gieson stain?


  1. 1 Bring sections to distilled water.
  2. 2 Stain nuclei with Celestin Blue 5 mins.
  3. 3 Rinse in distilled water.
  4. 4 Stain in haematoxylin 5 mins.
  5. 5 Wash well in running tap water 5 mins.
  6. 6 Flood with Curtis stain 5 mins.
  7. 7 Blot.
  8. 8 Dehydrate rapidly in alcohols, clear and mount.

Is Van Gieson a trichrome stain?

Van Gieson’s trichrome is used for the differentiation between collagen and smooth muscle in tumors and to demonstrate the increase in the amount of collagen in these pathologies.

Is Van Gieson a special stain?

Verhoeff-van Gieson Stain: A Special Histology Stain for Elastic Fibers.

Why is Trichrome considered as the best stain?

Trichrome stains are helpful for assisting in the identification of obliterated bronchioles by highlighting their muscle coats, when their lumens have been replaced by fibrotic scars, and by clarifying the presence and degree of fibrosis.

What special care should be taken when using Van Gieson?

Handling: Do not breathe vapors. Do not eat, drink or smoke when using this product. Storage: Store in a well-ventilated place. Keep cool.

Is alcian blue acidic or basic?

Alcian blue is a copper phthalocyanin basic dye that is water soluable and colored blue because of its copper content. It has an affinity for acidic tissue elements like mucin.

Is Van Gieson stain a trichrome stain?

Van Gieson’s trichrome is used for the differentiation between collagen and smooth muscle in tumors and to demonstrate the increase in the amount of collagen in these pathologies. Collagen: bright red. Cytoplasm, muscle, fibrin and red blood cells: yellow.

How does the Elastica Van Gieson staining kit work?

These solutions have now been combined in the Elastica van Gieson kit for the detection of elastic fibers in histological sections. The kit contains the set of four ready-to-use solutions and will result in the visualization of black-brown nuclei, black-stained elastic fibers, red collagen and yellow-stained muscles.

What kind of staining is used for Elastica?

Various staining methods are used to demonstrate elastic fibers in tissue sections. Brilliant staining results are usually achieved when using the resorcinol-fuchsin solution according to Weigert in combination with a van Gieson’s picrofuchsin solution and nuclear staining with Weigert’s iron hematoxylin solution.

Which is the best Van geison stain for elastic?

Van Geison stain is a commonly used counterstain, which when combined with primary elastic stains helps in better differentiation of elastic from collagen and smooth muscle. Table 1. Common stains used for elastic fibers b [Correction added on 17 December 2012, after first online publication: reference citations were amended.]

What is the purpose of Verhoeff’s Van Gieson?

ELASTIC TISSUE FIBERS – VERHOEFF’S VAN GIESON (EVG) PURPOSE: This stain is useful in demonstrating atrophy of elastic tissue. in cases of emphysema, and the thinning and loss of elastic fibers in. arteriosclerosis, and other vascular diseases.