What jobs will get you rich?

08/04/2021 Off By admin

What jobs will get you rich?

Best Jobs to Get RichInvestment Banker. If you’re looking for one of the best jobs to get rich, becoming an investment banker is at the top. Physician. If you’re good at science and enjoy helping people, becoming a doctor is a good career option. Orthodontists. Dentist. Engineer. Air Traffic Controller. Pharmacist. Lawyer.

What is the least stressful job?

The least stressful job in America pays $71,410—here are the other 9Hair stylist. Audiologist. University professor. Medical records technician. Jeweler. Operations research analyst. Pharmacy technician. PeopleImages | E+ | Getty Images. Massage therapist. Wavebreakmedia | iStock | Getty Images.

What’s a good job for someone with social anxiety?

10 Best Jobs for People With Social Anxiety DisorderWriter. Writing is a dream job for many. Artist. An artist is another job that might be appealing if you live with social anxiety. Stay-at-Home Parent. Stay-at-home parent is also on the top 10 list of worst jobs for people with SAD. Dog Trainer. Accountant. Landscaper. Entrepreneur. Firefighter.