What kind of Jedi was Meetra Surik?

02/13/2021 Off By admin

What kind of Jedi was Meetra Surik?

female human Jedi Master
Meetra Surik was a charismatic female human Jedi Master who, while still a Jedi Knight at the time, followed Revan and Malak to war against the Mandalorians, in defiance of the Jedi Council. Because of this she was exiled from the Jedi High Council and came to be known as the “Jedi Exile”.

Was Meetra Surik a Guardian Sentinel or Consular?

Surik met a scientist and historian named Mical, who was Surik’s prospective Padawan before she left to fight in the Mandalorian Wars; he joined her crew and she eventually re-trained him as a Jedi Consular.

Did Meetra Surik use two lightsabers?

Meetra Surik wielded a personal blue-bladed lightsaber during and after the Dark Wars. The blade was the exile’s second lightsaber, her first saber having been confiscated by the Jedi Council and kept by Atris at the Telosian Jedi Academy after Surik was exiled.

What is the canon character for Kotor 2?

Meetra Surik Meetra Surik (also known as the Jedi Exile) is the protagonist of Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords. Ten years before the events of the story, Surik fought as a Jedi General alongside Revan during the Mandalorian Wars.

Is Darth nihilus canon?

No, but he could be in the future. I think Lucasfilm/Disney is hesitant to actually contradict the KOTOR stuff, especially while the mmo is still running.

What was Revan’s canon class?


Biographical information
Class Jedi Guardian
Classification(s) Champion
Location(s) Maelstrom Prison The Foundry Rishi Yavin IV
Occupation(s) Jedi Knight (formerly) Jedi Master Sith Lord (formerly) Dark Lord of the Sith (formerly)

What does your crystal do Kotor 2?

This crystal determines the color of the blade, but has no other effect. Finally, a lightsaber can also be upgraded with up to two power crystals.

Is Darth Revan Canon now?

An ancient Sith Lord named Revan was reestablished in the current Star Wars canon continuity with a mention in the Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker: The Visual Dictionary, a 2019 reference book written by Lucasfilm Story Group member Pablo Hidalgo.

Is there such a thing as Meetra Surik?

Meetra Surik is within the scope of WookieeProject Video Games, an attempt to build comprehensive and detailed articles with topics originating from any Star Wars video games.

Why was Meetra Surik exiled from the Jedi Council?

Meetra Surik was a charismatic female human Jedi Master who, while still a Jedi Knight at the time, followed Revan and Malak to war against the Mandalorians, in defiance of the Jedi Council. Because of this she was exiled from the Jedi High Council and came to be known as the ” Jedi Exile “.

Who is Meetra Surik Knights of the Old Republic?

Meetra Surik is within the scope of WookieeProject Knights of the Old Republic, an attempt to build comprehensive and detailed articles with topics originating in the Knights of the Old Republic metaseries.

How did Meetra Surik get back to the Ebon Hawk?

In the ensuing chaos, it went unnoticed that an HK-50 series assassin droid unit had drugged Surik and sealed her away. As the ship died around them, a former Jedi Master named Kreia—who was the exiled Sith Lord Darth Traya —found Surik, brought her back to the Ebon Hawk and attempted to flee.