When should I be concerned about a rash on my breast?

02/17/2020 Off By admin

When should I be concerned about a rash on my breast?

Red spots or a rash on the breast is usually not a cause for concern but can sometimes be a sign of a more serious condition, including breast cancer. People should see a doctor, as soon as possible, if the rash occurs alongside any of the following symptoms: changes in the breast skin. new spots or rashes on the …

What does the inflammatory breast cancer rash look like?

Symptoms of IBC usually take just 3-6 months to develop. Your symptoms may include: A red or purple color or a rash spread over one-third of the breast. Pitting, thickening, or dimpling of skin on the breast, so that it looks like an orange peel, a condition called peau d’orange.

What does breast rash look like?

Thickened skin. Rash or irritation that resembles an infection. Red, swollen and warm breast. Pitted skin on the breast, similar to that of an orange peel.

Does breast cancer cause a rash?

You may not associate breast cancer with redness or a skin rash, but in the case of inflammatory breast cancer (IBC), a rash is an early symptom. This is an aggressive form of breast cancer that affects the skin and lymph vessels of the breast. Unlike other types of breast cancer, IBC doesn’t usually cause lumps.

Can stress cause breast rashes?

Breast rash may have many possible causes, including allergens (agents that cause allergies), infections, autoimmune disorders, or other causes such as stress.

How do I get rid of a rash on my breasts?


  1. Gently cleanse the affected area with antibacterial soap and warm water.
  2. Apply an unscented moisturizer, antibiotic ointment, or antifungal cream as recommended by your doctor.
  3. Avoid scratching the skin.
  4. Avoid using highly scented soaps, lotions, or perfumes around the breasts.

What helps a rash on your breast?

Treatment and prevention

  1. Gently clean the affected area with antibacterial soap and warm water.
  2. Apply fragrance-free moisturizer, antibiotic ointment, or an antifungal cream as recommended by your physician.
  3. Refrain from scratching the skin.
  4. Avoid using highly fragranced soaps, lotions, or perfumes around the breasts.

How long does a breast rash last?

The rash usually lasts for 2–4 weeks and begins as red blotches, which turn into itchy blisters that scab over within 7–10 days . Some people experience severe pain, tingling, or itching in the affected area before the rash appears.

What can I put on a rash on my breast?

Use unscented soaps, lotions, and moisturizers. Apply a cool compress to the affected area. Calamine lotion can help reduce itching. Drying powders such as Gold Bond Extra and Lady Anti Monkey Butt help prevent rashes.