Who are the Yo Soy 132 protestors in Mexico?

07/26/2019 Off By admin

Who are the Yo Soy 132 protestors in Mexico?

Yo Soy 132, commonly stylized as #YoSoy132, was a protest movement composed for the most part of Mexican university students from private and public universities, residents of Mexico, claiming supporters from about 50 cities around the world. It began as opposition to the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI)…

What are the goals of Yo Soy 132?

They claimed to have the same goals as the Yo Soy 132 movement of democratization of the media, political reform, environmental protection, and calling politicians’ attention to the agenda of Mexican youth.

What are the demands of YoSoy132 movement?

YoSoy132 takes the rights to the access of information and freedom of speech as their fundamental demands. The movement leads its efforts towards the democratization of the media in order to ensure transparent information, plural and minimum standards of objectivity to promote awareness and critical thinking.

When was the first translation of Yo soy?

On August 10, 2012, YoSoy132 International group published a translation of the General Principles.

Who are the members of Yo Soy 132?

On June 11, 2012, four persons who named themselves generación mx, through a YouTube video claimed they were allegedly part of Yo Soy 132 and announced their supposed departure, claiming that they perceived that the movement favored the leftist candidate Andrés Manuel López Obrador.

Where did the Yo soy rally take place?

Rallies and marches happened in the capital, Mexico City, and also in 12 of the 32 states of the Mexican Republic. Outside of Mexico, various individuals, mostly Mexican students benefited by government grants for studying abroad, created their own messages of solidarity from the country they were studying.