Who makes Lochinvar water heater?

02/17/2021 Off By admin

Who makes Lochinvar water heater?

A. O. Smith Corporation
Lochinvar is acquired by A. O. Smith Corporation, the world’s largest water heater manufacturer.

Are Lochinvar boilers good?

In our member survey of 16 brands of boilers, Lochinvar earns a middle-of-the-pack rating for predicted reliability but high marks for owner satisfaction. Consumer Reports does not test boilers at this time.

How do you read a Lochinvar serial number?

Under the Lochinvar nameplate on the front of the heater. The above models will have either a 7 character or a 12 character serial code. Examples: J-930001… Built in September of 1993 A07H00123456 Built in January of 2007 First letter indicates month produced.

How do I register my Lochinvar water heater?

Getting Started Is Easy!

  1. Go to LochinvarVIP.com and click “Get Started.” All users must enroll or re-enroll.
  2. Complete the form and follow the verification link in your email.
  3. Use your phone or tablet as a mobile scanner to register your Lochinvar units on-site or at a later date.

Is Lochinvar part of AO Smith?

Lochinvar Corporation announces that is has signed a definitive agreement to be acquired by A. O. Smith Corporation.

Where is Lochinvar manufactured?

Lochinvar, LLC is a leading manufacturer of high-efficiency water heaters, boilers, pool heaters and storage tanks. Based in Lebanon, Tenn., with facilities in Chicago, Detroit, Orlando, Phoenix, Pompano Beach and Dallas, Lochinvar stocks all products in all locations.

How old is my Lochinvar water heater?

Lochinvar uses a 20-letter rolling letter code to age their water heaters. The first letter in the serial number denotes the year the unit was manufactured, and the second letter is the month it was made.

How do I tell what year my Lochinvar water heater is?

How old is Lochinvar water heater?

Hot Water Solutions Since 1939 | Lochinvar | Lochinvar.

What company owns AO Smith?

Tower International
In 1997, after 90 years in the automotive industry, A.O. Smith sold its Automotive Products Company to Tower International.