Why is Sagrada Familia not finished?

07/02/2019 Off By admin

Why is Sagrada Familia not finished?

The Sagrada Família, Barcelona’s unfinished art nouveau masterpiece, will not be completed by the centenary of architect Antoni Gaudí’s death in 2026, as initially planned, as a result of the halt in construction due to the coronavirus pandemic.

How long did Gaudi work on the Sagrada Familia?

Meet the team working to complete the Sagrada Familia by 2026. When Gaudí died suddenly at the age of 73, struck down by a tram on a busy Barcelona street in 1926, the architect had been working on the Templo Expiatorio de la Sagrada Familia for 43 years.

What is the Sagrada Família?

La Sagrada Familia/Province

The Basílica de la Sagrada Família (Catalan: [bəˈzilikə ðə lə səˈɣɾaðə fəˈmiljə]; Spanish: Basílica de la Sagrada Familia; ‘Basilica of the Holy Family’), also known as the Sagrada Família, is a large unfinished Roman Catholic minor basilica in the Eixample district of Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain.

What should I wear to Sagrada Familia?

We advise you wear pants and skirts that should go below mid-thigh. Your shirt should cover your shoulders. Otherwise, if you are wearing a sleeveless top you can bring a shawl or jacket then put it on upon entering Sagrada Familia.

Why is La Sagrada Familia so famous?

The Sagrada Família is famous for being one of the most iconic examples of Antoni Gaudí’s unique style, combining elements of Art Nouveau, Catalan Modernism and Spanish Late Gothic design. The theme of nature figures prominently in Gaudí’s design, both in terms of symbolism and the use of organic shapes and forms.

Why is the Sagrada Família so famous?

What church took longest to build?

Ulm Cathedral (Germany) Not only is it the tallest church tower in the world, but it was financed entirely by local residents – which is probably why it took more than half a millennium to build.

How many towers does La Sagrada Familia have?

18 towers
The 18 towers are dedicated to important biblical figures, and this is reflected in their size: 12 of them represent the apostles, 4 the evangelists, one the Virgin Mary and the highest of them all represents Jesus Christ, which will be topped by a cross reaching a height of 172 metres.