Why water level indicator is used in boiler?

12/24/2020 Off By admin

Why water level indicator is used in boiler?

The function of a water level indicator is to indicate the level of water in the boiler constantly. It is also called water gauge. It helps the operator in keeping the level constant from outside through a glass tube. In case of need, if the level falls down, water will be pumped by the operator.

Which instrument is use to indicate the water level in boiler?

gauge glass
Steam pressure. “The gauge glass is the primary device used in determining water level and must be maintained in proper condition. It is connected to the water column which levels out the turbulent water in the boiler so it can be accurately read.”

How many water level indicators are there in boiler?

Normally two water level indicators are fitted at the front end of every boiler.

How is boiler water level measured?

These are the minimum and maximum water levels allowed for safe operation of the boiler. They are measured from the bottom tap of the steam drum.

What is the function of water level indicator?

The purpose of a water level indicator is to gauge and manage water levels in a water tank. The control panel can also be programmed to automatically turn on a water pump once levels get too low and refill the water back to the adequate level.

Why high water level is not good for boilers?

The dangers of an excessively high water level in a steam boiler include: Increased carryover of water into the steam will result in poor operation and/or malfunction of the steam system components, due to dirt. Wet and dirty steam can contaminate or spoil the product where it is used directly. Poor product quality.

What happens if boiler water level is too high?

What is local boiler water level indicator?

Functions: It indicate the water level inside the boiler vessel. It shows the level in the boiler drum.

How do I keep the water level in my boiler?

Maintaining the Mass/Heat Balance

  1. Identify low-water situations and take appropriate action, such as shutting down or locking out burner operation.
  2. Identify high-water situations and throttle down feedwater supply to reduce the chance of carryover and water hammer.
  3. Maintain water level within design set points.

How does a boiler water level controller work?

The system works by using the signal from a steam flowmeter installed in the steam discharge pipework to increase the level controller set point at high steam loads. The two elements of the signal are: First element – Level signal from the water within the boiler.

What are the advantages of a water level?

There are many advantages of water level controls, also known also water level indicators, including:

  • Power Saver.
  • Money Saver.
  • Automatic.
  • Water Maximization.
  • Reliable Electronic Design.
  • New Control Minimize Fouling & Deterioration.
  • Easy Installation with LED Monitoring.

Why is a water level indicator used in a boiler?

The boiler water level indicator ensures that there is enough water in the tubes to sufficiently cool them in operation while making steam; otherwise the flames could overheat the tubes, softening the metal & permitting bursting due to pressure.

Where is the water gauge on a boiler?

Normally two water level indicators are fitted at the front end of every boiler. Where the boiler drum is situated at considerable height from the floor, the water gauge is often inclined to make the water level visible from any position.

Can a water level be detected in a steam boiler?

Other national regulations must be consulted where relevant. Water level indication applies to steam boilers where the water level can be detected. It includesmost steam boilers, the exception being those of the ‘once through’ or coil type, where there is no steam drum.

Why do you need a low water alarm in a steam boiler?

Low water alarm – For safe boiler operation, the low water alarm ensures that the combustion of fuel does not continue if the water level in the boiler has dropped to, or below a predetermined level. For automatically controlled steam boilers, national standards usually call for two independent low level alarms, to ensure safety.