Will mental health affect my security clearance?

06/29/2019 Off By admin

Will mental health affect my security clearance?

Seeking mental health services does not affect one’s ability to gain or hold clearance eligibility. Adjudicators regard seeking necessary mental health treatment as a positive step in the security clearance process.

Can you lose your security clearance for antidepressants?

Over the years, the government has made marginal efforts to educate security clearance holders about the fact that most common mental health conditions – i.e. depression and/or anxiety – do not generally disqualify individuals from obtaining a security clearance unless the condition: makes them a danger to themselves …

Can I lose my security clearance for PTSD?

“All Army personnel should understand that they can obtain counseling services for financial and mental health issues without undue concern of placing their security clearance status in jeopardy,” said Col. …

Do security clearances look at medical records?

For TOP SECRET Clearances, one must provide information for the previous ten years. This means that investigators can access any and all information about you, including sealed records, juvenile records, expunged records, and medical records.

Can someone with bipolar get a security clearance?

A past or present mental, emotional, or personality disorder is not by itself a disqualifying condition for a final security clearance. A psychological condition does not have to be formally diagnosed as a disorder to be a security concern.

Can you lose a security clearance for going to therapy?

Some employees have the misconception that if they seek professional counseling, they will jeopardize their security clearance eligibility. This concern is not based on fact or policy. The mere fact of counseling or therapy will not, by itself, result in the denial or revocation of an access authorization.

Does Air Force check medical records?

Because the military does not routinely pull medical records, recruits who pass their physical and reveal no prior history may get in. However, if the soldier later gets sick or injured, the Army can check medical records if an undisclosed pre-existing condition is suspected.

What do they look for in a security clearance?

Credit and criminal history checks will be conducted on all applicants. For a Top Secret security clearance, the background investigation includes additional record checks which can verify citizenship for the applicant and family members, verification of birth, education, employment history, and military history.